April 2018
4/6/2018 Case Daily highlights the publication and media attention on our SnSe work.
March 2018
3/27/2018 The American Institue of Physics (AIP) published a press release (“Exploring the thermoelectric properties of tin selenide nanostructures“) accompanying our newly published SnSe paper in JAP. The news also appeared in other media outlets such as phys.org, Sciencedaily, Nanowerk, EurekAlert, Physnews.com, Azonano, Sciencenewsline, Eelectroiq etc.
3/27/1028 Our new paper “Nanostructured SnSe: Synthesis, doping, and thermoelectric properties“, is published in Journal of Applied Physics (Liu et al, Journal of Applied Physics 123, 115109 (2018)). In this paper, we report the study of growth and thermoelectric characterization of nanostructured SnSe, a promising thermoelectric material for converting waste heat into electricity. This work also bridges thermoelectrics and graphene-like two-dimensional materials, two major directions in condensed matter and material physics research.
3/20/2018 Shuhao Liu successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!
3/5-3/9/2018 Our group visited Los Angeles to attend the annual meeting of American Physical Society. Clara, Shuhao, Kasun, and Kyle each gave a talk and Prof. Gao chaired a session on semiconductor nanowires, nanorods, and nanotubes.
Feb. 2018
2/18/2018 group dinner celebrating the lunar new year
2/2/2018 Case Daily news about our new collaborative research grant on layered 2D oxides from AFOSR.
Oct. 2017
10/8/2017 group lunch and foliage outing
10/3/2017 Shuhao gave an invited talk (on behalf of Prof. Xuan Gao) at the 232nd ECS meeting on the thermoelectric properties of IV-VI monochalcogenide nanostructures, see abstract here.
10/1/2017 Chieh-Wen (Clara) Liu joins our group as a postdoc scholar. Welcome, Clara! We also welcome undergraduate students Yang Han, Derek Tang who are doing their senior capstone projects in our group. Runtian Miao, a junior undergrad also started part time research with our lab. Welcome all!
September 2017
9/28/2017 Xuan Gao gave a Physics Colloquium on layered 2D semiconductor and topological insulator materials at Kent State University.
August 2017
8/2017 We recently published a few papers on topological insulator films in collaboration with Prof. Zhenhua Wang (former visiting scholar in our lab) and Prof. Zhidong Zhang at Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Electron delocalization and relaxation behavior in Cu-doped Bi2Se3 films” (Physical Review B); “From linear magnetoresistance of parabolic magnetoresistance in Cu and Cr-doped topological insulator Bi2Se3 films” (Jour. of Phys. and Chem. Solids); “Broadband photovoltaic effect of n-type topological insulator Bi2Te3 films on p-type silicon substrates” (Nano Research); “Fabrication and characterizations of Bi2Te3 based topological insulator nanomaterials” (book chapter in Outlook and Challenges of Nano Devices, Sensors, and MEMS. Springer International Publishing).
8/2017 A collaborative paper on ZnO nanowires with Prof. Juan Du (former postdoc in our lab) at Chinese Academy of Sciences was published in Jour of Mater Sci & Tech: “Control of ZnO nanowire growth and optical properties in a vapor deposition process“.
June 2017
Sukrit’s paper “V2O5: a 2D van der Waals Oxide with Strong In-plane Electrical and Optical Anisotropy” was accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. In this work, we report the largest in-plane electrical transport anisotropy effect in 2D materials to date. This work was a collaboration with Prof. Lambrecht (CWRU), Prof. Rui He (Univ. Northern Iowa) and Prof. Hilde Poelman (Ghent University, Belgium).
We say farewell to Sukrit (Good luck to your new position at RIKEN!) and also welcome new graduate student Arvind Shankar joining our group.
May, 2017
UIUC undergraduate Ryuji Fujita will be working in our group for a month. welcome back, Ryuji.
Congratulations, Dr. Sucharitakul, the 4th Ph.D. from our lab!
Sukrit receiving Ph.D. at the commencement
Dr. Sucharitakul posing with labmates
Xuan Gao attended the annual AFOSR project review at the Kirtland Airforce Base in Albuquerque.
Apr. 2017
Undergraduate Physics major Mingyuan Wang receives a SOURCE/SURES research scholarship to do summer research in our lab. Congratulations!
An article about our scanning photocurrent mapping of carrier diffusion in organo-metal halide perovskite solar cell material is published in the ‘TECH BEAT’ column of Tribology & Lubrication Technology magazine (page 12-13 in the April 2017 issue).
X-mol.com and weixin.qq.com release a news article about our perovskite paper (in Chinese).
Mar. 2017
Sukrit, Shuhao and Prof. Gao attended the annual March meeting of the American Physical Society in New Orleans. Both Sukrit and Shuhao gave an oral presentation.
Our paper, “Anisotropic electrical resistance in mesoscopic LaAlO3/SrTiO3devices with individual domain walls” is published in Scientific Reports of Nature Publishing Group. This work is a collaboration with Prof. Sehirlioglu’s group at CWRU’s Materials Science and Engineering and Prof. Marie-Hélène Berger at MINES Paris Tech, France.
Feb. 2017
Sukrit successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
Jan., 2017
Group lunch celebrating the Chinese New Year.
Jan., 2017
Our work on scanning photocurrent imaging microscopy of halide perovskite films made news at Case Daily, Phys.org, Sciencedaily and other media outlets!
Nov., 2016
Shuhao’s paper, “Imaging the Long Transport Lengths of Photo-generated Carriers in Oriented Perovskite Films”, has been accepted by Nano Letters, a leading journal in Nanoscience and technology. This work directly shows a surprisingly long diffusion length of carriers in halide perovskite, shedding light on the material’s remarkable performance in solar cell devices. Congratulations.! The just accepted paper can be downloaded here
Oct., 2016
Xuan Gao was a plenary speaker at the Ohio-region section of the American Physical Society meeting. He presented the recent work by Shuhao Liu (in collaboration with Prof. Clemens Burda’s group) on scanning photocurrent microscopy imaging of photo-generated carrier diffusion in organo-metal halide perovskite films, a rising star photovoltaic material.
Sukrit’s paper, “Screening limited switching performance of multilayer 2D semiconductor FETs: the case for SnS”, has been accepted for publication in Nanoscale. In this paper, we use SnS as an example to address the issue of limited switching performance of 2D semiconductor FET (and thin film FET) in general. Congratulations.! The just accepted paper can be downloaded here.
Sept., 2016
Xuan Gao visited the Department of Physics of Georgetown University as a colloquium speaker.
August, 2016
Ph.D. students Kasun Premasiri and Kyle Crowley joined the group. Grad student Chris Reed also joined the lab to do research for his master’s work. Welcome!
June, 2016
A collaborative paper “Atomic-resolved depth profile of strain and cation intermixing around LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces” was published in Scientific Reports.
We welcome Amelia Seger from Hathaway Brown School and Chris Tung from Hawken School as high school summer interns. We also have a number of undergraduates doing research with us this summer: Nic Vogel, Shichen Wang, Axel Gross, Ryuji Fujita (undergrad from UIUC). Welcome and good luck with research!
Apr., 2016
Sukrit Sucharitakul passed oral qualification/topical exam. Congratulations.
Prof. Gao attends a symposium at Wayne State University (WSU) to commemorate late Prof. Gavin Lawes. Thank you, WSU and the organizing committee for this wonderful event to honor our great friend and colleague Gavin who will be missed.
Mar., 2016
Sukrit Sucharitakul, Shuhao Liu and Xuan Gao attend the annual March meeting of APS (American Physical Society). This year our group has three talks on 2D semiconductor transistors, halide perovskite solar cell material and strongly correlated 2D holes.
Prof. Gao is also a co-organizer of the focus topic “2D materials: metals, superconductors, and correlated materials”. Here we come, Baltimore.
Dec., 2015
Nick Goble successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congratulations!
Aug., 2015
We welcome Isabel Sands from Orange High School to our lab as a high school student researcher.
Jul., 2015
We congratulate Zach Bogorad for winning a Gold medal in the 46th International Physics Olympiad at Mumbai, India. Zach was a high school research intern in our lab last year and a co-author of our recent paper on high mobility InSe transistors. (In the picture below, Zach is the person in the middle.)
Jun., 2015
We welcome high school researcher Al Shumyatcher and Kareem Danan from Hawken school for summer research.
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk on electron transport at oxide hetero-interfaces at the 2015 Energy Materials and Nanotechnology Conference at Qingdao, China, and visited collaborators at National Taiwan University and Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Mar., 2015
Prof. Gao has been nominated for the 2015 Carl F. Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. He is thrilled by the nomination (his last nomination was in 2011). Thanks to the student(s) for the kind nomination.
We welcome visiting scholar Dr. Mei Liu. Dr. Liu is an associate professor at Shandong Normal University. She will be working with us for a year. We also welcome several undergraduates who recently started doing research in the lab: James Sheehy, Hongyu Chen, and Quang Nguyen.
Nick and Sukrit gave talks on mesoscopic transport in SrTiO3/LaAlO3 heterointerface and InSe nano-transistors at the March meeting of American Physical Society.
Our collaborative work with Profs. Alex Demkov and John Ekerdt’s groups on the conductive SrTiO3/alumina interface was accepted by Journal of Applied Physics. nice job, Nick.
Jan., 2015
Our group’s invited review paper “InAs nanowire devices with strong gate tunability: fundamental electron transport properties and application prospects” has been accepted for publication in the Special Issue on 1D Nanomaterials by Journal of Materials Science & Technology. Many thanks to Dong Liang for leading the effort of writing.
Nov., 2014
Prof. Gao visited University of Cincinnati and gave a Physics colloquium on topological insulator nanostructures.
Oct., 2014
Prof. Gao visited Purdue University and gave a seminar on Wigner crystal to liquid transition in correlated 2D holes in GaAs.
Our joint work with Prof. Zhidong Zhang and Zhenhua Wang at Chinese Academy of Sciences on the granularity controlled linear magneto-resistance in Bi2Te3 nanoplate films is accepted for publication in Nano Letters.
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk on thermal transport and thermoelectric properties of InAs and Bi2Se3 nanowires, at the 226th meeting of the Electrochemical Society.
Sept, 2014
Nick Goble got married with his long time sweetheart Mary Dahlberg at the House of Blues. Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Goble!
August, 2014
Sukrit’s work with Prof. Rui He at Univ. Northern Iowa on the non-stiochiometric Bismuth Telluride nano-plates is accepted for publication in Nano Research. Nice job!
July, 2014
Nick’s first paper, “Impact of short-range scattering on the metallic transport of strongly correlated two-dimensional holes in GaAs quantum wells”, is published in Physical Review B, read the paper here. Congratulations to Nick and many thanks to our collaborator Prof. Mike Manfra’s group at Purdue University for the high quality GaAs quantum well samples!
June, 2014
Nick visits our collaborators Profs. Zhidong Zhang and Zhenhua Wang of Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences through the eight-week long NSF sponsored East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI) program.
Three high school students, Zach Bogorad from Solon High School, Matthew Zhu from Hawken School, and Brian Gao from Shaker Heights High School join our lab for summer research. They will work on different aspects of atomically thin two-dimensional materials. Welcome!
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk at the 8th Joint Meeting of Chinese Physicists Worldwide (OCPA8) in Singapore.
May, 2014
5/18/2014 Richard (Lei) Qiu returns to CWRU for the commencement. Congratulations Dr. Qiu!
(Photos taken by fellow CWRU Physics graduate student, Wei Ji.)
5/12/2014 Prof. Gao was at the AFOSR program review, reporting our progress on the LAO/STO project, together with other PIs on our AFOSR BRI team.
Apr., 2014
Prof. Gao visited UC San Diego, giving a Physics seminar.
Nick won a NSF EAPSI fellowship which will support him visiting our collaborator, Prof. Zhidong Zhang and Zhenhua Wang’s lab in Chinese Academy of Sciences this summer. Congratulations and wish you a fun (and productive) experience!
Mar., 2014
Sukrit and Nick attend the annual meeting of American Physical Society at Denver, and present three talks (one on dilute 2D holes in GaAs, one on topological insulator nanoplate, and one on SrTiO3/LaAlO3 hetero-interface) for our group.
Dec., 2013
Prof. Gao visits City Univ of New York and Ningbo Institute of Materials, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and gave seminars.
Nov., 2013
Richard had a successful Ph.D. thesis defense. Congratulations Dr. Qiu.
Sept., 2013
Prof. Gao visited Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and gave a Lee Hsun Young Scientist Award Lecture on topological insulator nanostructures.
June, 2013
Xuan Gao promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
We welcome Chris Wagner, a new undergraduate researcher joining the lab. Chris is a rising junior and will be working on the synthesis of atomically thin two-dimensional materials.
April, 2013
Prof. Gao gave seminars on InAs nanowire and topological insulator nanomaterials at Carnegie Mellon Univ and Indiana Univ.
Graduate student Richard travels to National High Magnetic Field Lab in Florida to do ultra-low temperature experiment on correlated 2D holes.
March, 2013
Prof. Gao and graduate student Richard (Lei) attend the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at Baltimore, MD. At the APS March meeting, Prof. Gao received the Outstanding Young Researcher Award from the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers (OCPA) at the reception of the Forum on International Physics. See details here.
Feb, 2013
Prof. Gao gave a seminar on spin orbit interaction and 1D thermoelectric transport in InAs nanowires at Michigan State Univ.
Oct, 2012
Prof. Gao was at Wayne State University, giving a Physics colloquium.
Our group receives a grant through Air Force Office of Scientific Research’s Basic Research Initiatives, together with a team of researchers from CWRU, Univ. of Michigan and Ecole de Mines, Paris. The grant will support us to investigate quasi-2D electron gas at oxide hetero-interface for electronics at extreme conditions. Read more here.
Sept, 2012
We welcome Ms. YanYuan Zhao, a visiting student from Prof. Qihua Xiong’s lab at Nanyang Technology University. YanYuan will be working on a collaborative project on ultra-thin topological insulator nanoplates. We also welcome two CWRU undergraduates: Jacob Marx and Jake Arwe joining our lab to do their senior project research.
Aug, 2012
Andrew Richenderfer won 2nd prize in the Kelly Scientific sponsored Future Scientist Scholarship contest. Congratulations!
July, 2012
Prof. Gao wins the 2012 Outstanding Young Researcher Award (Macronix Prize) from the International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers, a prestigious recognition given to a young physicist/astronomer of Chinese ethnicity working in North America, Europe, or any other region outside Asia.
Jun., 2012
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk on strongly correlated 2D holes at the Gordon Research Conference.
Researchers Love Triangles-read the press release at R&D Magazine, Physics News and more on our recent Nano Letters paper of shaped nanoparticle catalyst to control the growth of nanowire.
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk on strongly correlated 2D holes at the International Conference on Graphene and its applications, held at the Loughborough University in U.K.
Apr., 2012
Prof. Gao gave an invited talk on electron transport in topological insulator nanowires at the Villa Conference on Energy Materials Nanotechnology Meeting.
Mar., 2012
Richard and Prof. Gao attended the March meeting of APS in Boston and gave two talks.
Jan. 24th, 2012
Prof. Gao receives a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. Congratulations!
Jan. 9th, 2012
Dong Liang passes Ph.D. defense successfully (thesis title “Semiconductor nanowires: synthesis and quantum transport”). Big congratulations to Dr. Dong Liang for the tremendous job!. Dong will move to Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison as a postdoc.

Dong elaborates a point in the InAs nanowire FET with surrounding gate.

Dong(middle) and his committee:Profs. Kash, Shan, Gao and Sankaran (LtoR).

Dong pouring champagne in the celebration after defense.
A cake for Dr. Dong Liang!
Nov, 2011
Dong and Prof.Gao travel to Boston for the fall meeting of MRS (Materials Reserach Society). Prof.Gao gave an invited talk on magneto-transport effects in topological insulator nanowires.
Oct, 2011
Our group receives a pilot grant to explore graphene material, in collaboration with Sankaran group at CWRU Chemical Engineering. We welcome Dr. CheeHuei Lee, who joined our group as a postdoc working on the project.
We also welcome Dr. Guodong Li from National Center for Nanotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a postdoc fellow in our group.
July, 2011
We welcome Dr. Zhenhua Wang from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a visiting scholar in our group.
Our work on topological insualtor Bi2Se3 nanoribbons has been accepted by ACS Nano. See publication webpage.
May, 2011
Three undergraduates (Mike, Stephen and Calvin) in our lab are graduating. Mike graduated with the best Engineering Physics senior award, heading to Univ. of Michigan for Ph.D. study. Stephen graduated with the best senior thesis award and the best Physics senior award, heading to Cambridge Univ. Calvin will work for Bloomberg. We congratulate them on their graduation and wish them the best in their future endeavors.
Mar, 2011
Dong, Richard and Prof.Gao attended the annual March meeting of APS (American Physical Society) at Dallas. Dong gave two talks on InAs nanowire gas sensing and transport in topological insulator nanowire. Richard gave a talk on 2D hole transport in GaAs quantum well.
Richard’s paper on electrical transport in 2D holes has been accepted for publication in Phys Rev B. Congratulations to Richard for getting his first publication!
Prof.Gao is nominated for the 2011 Wittke Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching and John S. Diekhoff Graduate Student Mentoring Award.
Jan, 2011
Stephen Fleming has been selected as a Churchill Scholar this year. Stephen is the 8th CWRU student receiving this prestigious scholarship since the establishment of Winston Churchill Foundation in 1963. In our group, Stephen has been doing research on nanowire biosensors. As a Churchill scholar, Stephen will expand his nano-bio-research interest into bio-assisted self assembly of nanostructures in the Physics department at Cambridge University. More information regarding the scholarship can be found here. Read Case Daily’s news on Stephen here. Congratulations, Stephen!.
We welcome Yuan Tian from Prof.Hongjun Gao’s group at Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences for collaborative research.
Dec, 2010
Stephen is a 1st place winner in Case’s SOURCE undergraduate research symposium, congratulations!.
Xuan gave a Physics colloquium at Georgia Tech on ‘Condensed matter physics opportunities in semiconductor nanowires’.
July, 2010
Our best wishes to Juan and Alex who left this month. Juan is taking a professor position at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo Institute of Materials after her postdoc in the group. Alex will continue his undergraduate study at St Olaf and apply for graduate school this Fall.
Stephen Fleming attends a field trip to Cameroon, Africa with Engineers without Boaders. Have Fun!
June, 2010
Professor Gao receives the Glennan Fellowship from CWRU.
Dong Liang was among the 12 Ph.D. students nation wide receiving Honorable Mention in Link Energy Foundation Fellowship competition.
We welcome REU student Alex Bunkofske from St. Olaf College. Alex will work with us for two months this summer.
We also welcome Miles Bloomenkranz from Hawken School as a summer student.
May, 2010
Congratulations to Stephen Fleming for receiving a SOURCE grant to do summer research in our group, and the Chandrasekhar Prize for the most excellent Physics junior.
Calvin Shi received an NNIN (the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network) REU award to do research at Penn State this summer. Congratulations.
Mar, 2010
Dong’s paper on angular dependent suppression of 1D weak localization was accepted for publication in PRB. Congratulations!
Dong and Richard present in the APS March meeting at Portland.
Congratulations to Peter Mintun for receiving the Grand Prize in Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair where he presented his research on dielectrophoretic alignment of nanowires performed in our group. Peter will go to San Jose, California in this May for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the world’s largest and most prestigious, high school science fair. Good job, Peter! Some of Peter’s results can be found here.
Feb, 2010
Sam Roberts joins the group. Sam will work with Richard on processing and fabrication of high mobility GaAs quantum well devices. Welcome Sam.
Dec, 2009
Our review article (jointly written with researchers from Stanford Univ, Univ of Washington and Northeastern Univ) on “Transport in strongly correlated two dimensional electron fluids” has been accepted for publication in Reviews of Modern Physics.
Nov, 2009
We have a few papers accepted for publication in Nano Letters and ACS Nano. Check out the group publication page for details.
Sep 1, 2009
Xuan receives a grant from NSF to support research on metal-insulator transition in two-dimensions.
First year graduate student Lei (‘Richard’) Qiu joins our group.
July 1, 2009
We welcome Peter Mintun from Hawken School to join our group as a high school intern. Peter will work on assembly of nanowires this summer.
June, 2009
In June we welcome Jason Mast from Missouri University of Science and Technology. Jason is participating the REU program at Case (funded by NSF) and will be with our group for two months.
We also said farewell to Mohammed. Mo will teach at Alexandria University in Egypt. Good luck, Mo!
Apr 10, 2009
Calvin Shi received a REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) award to participate in research at Columbia University this summer. Congratulations Calvin!
Apr 5, 2009
Mike MacDonald received a SURE grant to do summer research in our lab. Congratulations Mike!
We also welcome Dr. Hao Tang from City Univ of Hong Kong. Hao will work as a postdoc in our group.
Feb 24, 2009
Dong and Mo’s paper on the 1D localization of electrons in InAs nanowire was accepted for publication in Nano Letters. Congratulations to Dong for getting his first paper in the group.
Feb 18, 2009
A Carl Zeiss AxioImager microscope was set up in the lab. This microscope has the fluorescence measurement capability for tracking fluorescent biomolecules.
Feb 16, 2009
Dr. Juan Du from Chinese Academy of Sciences joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome Juan!
Jan 2009
Our Quantum Design PPMS is now equipped with dilution refrigerator which extends the base temperature to 0.05K.
November 2008
Our lab renovation is being finished and we are looking forward to moving into our new lab in A. W. Smith 419!
October 23, 2008
Mohammed’s paper on low frequency noises in InAs nanowire transistor was accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters!
October 1, 2008
Xuan received an ACS PRF grant for nanowire thermoelectrics research.
September 2008
Junior Physics majors Mike MacDonald and Corbett Walsh joined our group. Welcome!
June 2008
Dong Liang joined our group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Dong!
April 15th, 2008
Mohammed Sakr joined our group as a postdoctoral scholar. Welcome!
March 2008
Freshmen Physics majors Calvin Shi and Stephen Fleming joined our group. Welcome!
August 1st, 2007
Xuan Gao joined CWRU’s Physics Department as an Assistant Professor.